Make plans now to attend the WOCA 2022 Annual Meeting at Trees for Tomorrow in Eagle River, on July 22-23. This year’s workshop agenda looks very compelling and something you will not want to miss. If possible, also make plans to attend the Friday night cookout. Great food and a great chance for new members to get to know each other. If you have never attended the annual meeting and workshop, this would be a great year to attend. Pat Durkin has lined up some great speakers, so click on the link above to download the list of speakers and Meeting Agenda. You can also obtain a registration form by clicking on the appropriate link above.

Members staying overnight at Trees for Tomorrow need to fill out a medical form for Trees for Tomorrow and attach it to the registration form. To download a copy of the form please check HERE.
Make plans now to attend the 2022 WOCA Annual Meeting at Trees for Tomorrow in Eagle River. This is always a fun event and if you haven’t attended one lately mark you calendar and download the registration form (above) to attend. Lodging is available at Trees for Tomorrow. You won’t want to miss the Friday night cookout!
If you know someone that is not a member but is an outdoor communicator, bring them along to enjoy the fun and maybe consider joining this great group of outdoor communicators.